Hummus Day!

In honor of Hummus Day, here’s a fantastic recipe for red lentil hummus from over on I’ll share a bit, and link to their page below.

  1. 2 cups water
  2. 1 cup died red lentils
  3. 2 garlic cloves
  4. 2 Tbsp tahini paste
  5. 4 Tbsp olive oil
  6. 1 lemon
  7. 2 tsp salt
  8. 1 tsp paprika
  9. 1/2 tsp ground pepper
  1. Bring the water to boil in a pot. Add lentils and reduce heat to low. Simmer until all the water is absorbed, about 15 minutes.
  2. Place lentils and the rest of the ingredients into the food….

The rest of the recipe is linked here!

Until next time,


Hummus Day!

The World Is (Y)Ours

It’s wonderful what the graphics interchange format can bring us. Also, it’s apparently pronounced “Jif,” like the brand of peanut butter. I much prefer “Gif,” as in the hard G in Graphics. But that’s just my opinion.

It makes an interesting argument that one sees in explorative fiction all the time: when does the creator or author’s opinion or intent no longer matter with respect to their creation?


Until next time,


The World Is (Y)Ours


This is something of an old favorite. Long before Amanda Lee or Daniel Alvarez dominated the YouTube scene for anime song covers, Geekyfandubs was there. I’ll be the first to admit that the sound quality on her covers was never the best, but her way with adapting lyrics hasn’t been beaten.

That said, some of her old work has vanished, but is around if you look for it. But for consideration: Paper Moon.

Until next time,



Who Prays For Satan?


I’m not going to get into a theological argument about what constitutes sin or prayer. Not my cup of tea even if I could talk circles around a priest should I need to (and that’s not a reference to the famed circular logic of faith; though it was a cheap crack on religion).

But Mr. Clemens makes an interesting point:

Up to his time, had anyone in all those eighteen centuries wondered about the turmoil that Satan might be going through? For many centuries, you couldn’t challenge God’s viewpoint; which is just as biased as any kid who ever got in a fight with a little brother. But here’s a man with the clarity of mind to ask, “But who prays for Satan?”

Who prays for the bad guy in one of the most novel, and perhaps the most well known, fairy tale to grace the Earth?

And sure, you could say Satanists; but Satanism is more about accepting personal responsibility for your actions and accepting that the world isn’t perfect than worshipping or praying to/for Satan.

What I hope you take away from this is that there are as many views and truths about the world as there are people, and it’s important to at least attempt to see the other side of your conflict before acting.

Best, and until next time,


Who Prays For Satan?

National Day of Prayer and Reason!

It’s funny, but somehow right, that the National Day of Prayer and the National Day of Reason are on the same day. I’d almost call that intelligent design, except… well the joke writes itself, so I won’t belabor the point.

But in all seriousness: I tend to preface my religious posts with “I tend to pick on religion a bit…,” but today, I think I’ll just stick to plane old argument.

Prayer and reason are two sides of the same coin. Not that one adds any more truth to the world than the other, but some find truth only in one. Me? I find truth in reason. But some of my best friends find truth in prayer. So… live and let live?

Um… yeah.

But I will pick on religion a little with the page image.


Until next time,


National Day of Prayer and Reason!

May The Fourth Be With You…


Now that the worst pun I’ve ever stolen from a meme has passed, enjoy this image of Yoda crashing the Death Star into the Imperial Palace (Star Wars Infinities: A New Hope).


Now let’s blow this thing and go home,


PS: Also, enjoy his fine piece of music by the Presidents of the United States of America, entitled: Death Star.

May The Fourth Be With You…

I’m A Millennial And I’m Sorry

Well… not really. I’ve been saying it for years, but this video, which itself is a few years old, sums up my every thought on the way my generation is perceived and treated by older generations.

It’s funny, actually. I got into a textual shouting match with my Freshman roommate’s father on Facebook. And yes, this went about as well as you imagine.

Basically, he was (and likely still is) on the side of those weird, hateful vagabonds “boycotting” Target over their inclusive bathroom policy. My argument was fairly simple (and one I wish I had screencapped before he deleted the post): let people be. It’s not like anyone is so creepy as to take advantage of kids or whatever in public bathrooms. No. That’s more likely to happen in private homes and with people you know than with strangers in public. 

Oh, but he just wasn’t having it. I’m a “stupid kid” who doesn’t know anything about the world while he had a house, a lifelong job and a family by age 20 in 1976.

I won’t reiterate the argument put forth in this great video. It’s all there. We got the short end of the stick, but you know what? We’re still doing better than the aging, dying, thankless folks that came before us.


Much love,


I’m A Millennial And I’m Sorry